Film funders! Are you heading to Park City, Utah? It’s been three long years since we’ve been able to hold this important and lively gathering. Please join us and your peers to discuss your work and your priorities from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. MT on Friday, Jan. 20, at the Miners Club, 4070 Willow Draw Park City, […]
These conversations are meant to serve as an opportunity for you to share what your organization is doing, learn about collaborative efforts from your peers, and stay connected to what’s happening in the field. If you’d like to share an update on your work or want to bounce an idea off your colleagues, let us […]
Philanthropy has long been critical in sustaining public interest media through the various stages of landscape shifts. Now as the country faces unprecedented polarization, rampant disinformation, and the overall erosion of trust in media, philanthropy must again shift – this time, to target investment in sustainable, scalable media companies and organizations. Across the board, media […]
Join the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, Media Impact Funders and the Raising Child Care Fund for a discussion about how “Clarissa’s Battle,” a new documentary film, and other social movement documentaries can be used as powerful grassroots organizing tools. Driven by her own experience losing child care and becoming unhoused with her infant son, Xavier, single mother and […]
These conversations are meant to serve as an opportunity for you to share what your organization is doing, learn about collaborative efforts from your peers, and stay connected to what’s happening in the field. If you’d like to share an update on your work or want to bounce an idea off your colleagues, let us […]
We’ve come a long way since 2002, when a handful of journalism funders got together to compare notes about the most pressing issues facing journalism and how funders could address them. We hope you’ll join us on Oct. 18-19 to celebrate and reflect on the last 20 years of journalism funders in community, and to […]
Double Exposure, a project of the investigative news organization 100Reporters, celebrates the finest new films inspired by the investigative instinct. It combines film screenings for the public with a professional symposium for journalists and visual storytellers. Now in its eight year, DX does more than just identify and celebrate a new genre of filmmaking. It casts […]
ComNet22 Seattle is gonna be an epic reunion. A time to be with your people. To lean into community. To connect with the good, kind, smart folks who make up our field of communications for good. To lean on them. Learn from them. To offer and receive support, ideas, inspiration, and (we hope), moments of […]
The International Documentary Association (IDA) supports the vital work of documentary storytellers and champions a thriving and inclusive documentary culture.
Are you heading to ONA22 in L.A.? MIF is hosting an informal gathering from 4-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 22, at the Westin Bonaventure (the conference hotel) for funders who are attending ONA22, the Online News Association’s annual conference. Funders will have the opportunity to catch up, network, and hear a few short funder and media maker presentations by: […]