When: Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018 | Noon-1 p.m.
Where: This webinar discussion will be hosted on the Zoom video conferencing platform. You will receive instructions for signing up when you register.
Register now.
In 2015, under the Obama administration, the Federal Communications Commission adopted net neutrality rules to keep the internet free and open, allowing anyone and everyone to share and access information of any kind without interference.
Now, just two years later, all of that has unraveled.
Earlier this month, the FCC voted in favor of Chairman Ajit Pai’s proposal to kill net neutrality, which will allow broadband providers such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon to block, speed up or slow down content, charge more for services, and generally make it harder for all groups of people to communicate online.
Join us for a webinar discussion on Thursday, Jan. 11, from noon-1 p.m. ET, where we will hear from:
- Jon Sallet, current Benton Foundation senior fellow and former FCC general counsel, who will help explain the policy shifts under way;
- Holmes Wilson, co-founder and co-director of Fight for the Future, who will provide an overview of the tactics and strategies the organization is employing to engage the broadest audience in active resistance of these changes; and
- Adrianne Furniss, executive director of the Benton Foundation, who will kick-off a discussion inviting folks to share their thoughts and priorities.
Note: This is an open discussion. Funders and non-funders are welcome to join.