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JFunders24: The Annual Gathering of Journalism Funders
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JFunders24: The Annual Gathering of Journalism Funders

When: April 21 | noon-1 p.m. EST
Join us from noon-1 p.m. EST on April 21 for an OVEE screening featuring clips and conversation from Girl Rising, one of five powerful films selected for our Media Impact Festival.

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Girl Rising has led a global movement to break the cycle of poverty through education. It is an extraordinary film that journeys around the developing world to witness the strength and courage of nine young girls who face incredible obstacles to obtaining an education. Their unforgettable stories recount the nearly impossible odds the girls had to overcome to pursue their dreams. Prize-winning authors put the girls’ remarkable stories into words, and renowned celebrities like Alicia KeysKerry Washington and Cate Blanchett give them voice. (If you are unfamiliar, OVEE is an online screening platform that allows viewers to watch and chat live together in a virtual theater.)

During the OVEE, we’ll screen the trailer, watch several clips, and speak with Holly Gordon, the film’s executive producer, and Hilary Sparrow from Vulcan Productions, which was a funder/producer of the film. We’ll discuss the film’s impact at length, and its ongoing efforts to send 62 million girls around the world to school.

We hope you’ll join us for this thought-provoking online event and participate in our live conversation.

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The Media Impact Festival is an annual gathering that celebrates the social impact of media and its capacity to transform society. Girl Rising was one of the five films chosen in 2015 for its notable impact on a particular issue through powerful coverage and inspired engagement of audiences, influencers and institutions.
Special thanks to our partners Philanthropy New York and Women Moving Millions.