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JFunders24: The Annual Gathering of Journalism Funders
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JFunders24: The Annual Gathering of Journalism Funders

Our Mission & Vision

Become a Member

Join our growing network of funders who care about effective use of media.


Our mission is to advance and catalyze the work of a diverse range of funders committed to media that informs, engages and inspires.

Our vision is a world in which compelling media serves the public interest.


Media Impact Funders is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion as core pillars of media and journalism. We believe that our collective strength is derived from the diverse array of funders and media organizations within our network, and therefore are dedicated to fostering an environment that celebrates the diverse tapestry of voices, perspectives and ideas in our communities.  We seek out members, partners and key stakeholders who share our commitment to living these core values in order to help create a media landscape that is truly representative, inclusive and informative.

We serve the field in three ways:
  • A learning hub

    MIF is a learning resource for grantmakers interested in using media to further their missions.

    We provide valuable information about the state of media-related funding, impact metrics and policy. We highlight substantive projects that demonstrate the power of media in the public interest, and how funders are using storytelling to advance their missions.

  • A resource for philanthropic partnership

    MIF is a hub for connection and collaboration among funders supporting a wide range of activities in media and journalism.

    By taking a broad view across the field of media funding to include many different types of platforms, issues and philanthropic goals, we are uniquely able to connect funders and media makers who might not otherwise cross paths.

  • A convener to advance media and technology efforts within philanthropy

    MIF offers unique programming throughout the year that showcases the latest ideas, research and projects in the field of media philanthropy.

    Online and in-person, we gather foundation leaders and visionaries in order to support learning and spark innovative collaborations.

Our Story

Media Impact Funders is formerly known as Grantmakers in Film, Video & Television. Our organization, which began on a volunteer basis in 1984, was formally incorporated as a nonprofit in 2008 to advance the field of media arts and public interest media funding.

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Our Staff

Our staff, led by Executive Director Vince Stehle, brings a range of experiences in print and digital journalism, philanthropy, research, marketing and media production.

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Our Board

Our Board of Directors comprise some of the most respected members of media and philanthropy and represent some of the most inspired institutions in our field.

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