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Safeguarding Journalism & Media Meeting Notes

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Highlights from JFunders24: Day 2

Day 2 of JFunders24 was focused on funder-only discussions, some meant to expand funders’ understanding of journalism grantmaking—such as a session unpacking the mechanics of for-profit grantmaking—and others that were meant to explore opportunities for support in areas such as legal threats, digital and physical safety and security, the backlash against racial equity, and more.  […]

Highlights from JFunders24: Day 1

At a time when pillars of American journalism such as The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times are crumbling at the hands of their billionaire owners, leading lights of journalism and philanthropy came together last week for the annual gathering of journalism funders at public media bulwark KQED in San Francisco to explore how […]

MIF welcomes new leadership to its Board of Directors

We’re thrilled to announce exciting leadership changes to the Media Impact Funders Board of Directors! Kayce Ataiyero, Chief External Affairs Officer at the Joyce Foundation, brings her expertise in journalism funding to the role of Chair, while Kaitlin Yarnall, Chief Storytelling Officer at National Geographic Society, steps up as Vice Chair. Kayce joined the Board […]

After Uvalde: Guns, Grief & Texas Politics | FRONTLINE

Eight days after Salvador Ramos turned 18, he walked into his former elementary school armed with a legally-purchased AR-15-style rifle and killed 19 children and two adults—all within about three minutes. The mass shooting happened on May 24, 2022, at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas; it’s now the second deadliest school shooting in the United […]

MIF receives three-year, $300,000 grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Media Impact Funders has received a three-year, $300,000 general-operating grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, one of the largest philanthropic institutions in the U.S.

Member Spotlight: Outrider Foundation

For most of us, the notion of nuclear threat is impossibly abstract—even as Russia continues to threaten nuclear action against Ukraine and allied NATO countries. It’s not something people generally want to talk about.

WATCH: How to leverage philanthropic capital to transform the media landscape

This members briefing was organized in partnership with New Media Ventures and co-sponsored with Philanthropy New York. All members and supporters of Media Impact Funders have the opportunity to initiate and produce issue-related programming for their peers. Learn more about member briefings. This week, experts from industry leaders New Media Ventures and Accelerate Change joined […]

Looking forward prompts us to look back: Reflections from our 2019 Media Impact Forum

As we prepare for our first in-person gathering since the pandemic began, the Media Impact Forum at the National Geographic Society on June 1, we have been thinking back to the last time we got together in person for our Forum—titled Radio Active Culture—in May 2019, at the American Philosophical Society, here in Philadelphia. In […]

WATCH: How funders can use data maps to inform funding decisions

In partnership with Candid (formerly Foundation Center and GuideStar)—which provides data-driven tools, educational resources and trainings, analyses, and more to the philanthropic sector—MIF offered a workshop to help funders learn how to use data maps to inform funding priorities and strategic decision-making. These maps are free, interactive tools that show the full scope of philanthropically-funded […]

New Wyncote Foundation report explores the use of media to foster cultural expression

A new report commissioned by the Wyncote Foundation, “Culture, Heritage, and Place: How Media Amplifies Community Narratives,” profiles eight place-based organizations that use media for cultural expression and connection, with local funding support.

WATCH: Supporting digital public spaces that put people over profit

What should digital public spaces look like? For the third and final installment of our series exploring the problems and solutions of Big Tech, we heard from four organizations—Amara, Mozilla, Wikimedia Foundation and VolunteerMatch—that have built digital public spaces that serve all communities. These organizations, whose business models center on people over profit, strive to […]