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Media Impact Funders (MIF) is philanthropy serving organization (PSO) based in Philadelphia. As a membership organization, we advance and catalyze the work of a diverse range of local, national and international funders committed to media that informs, engages and inspires. Learn more about MIF.
Whatever purpose you may choose for your foundation—improving education, advancing science, preserving the environment, or any other mission—media and communications activities can amplify your message.
More than that, though, media is becoming increasingly more central to the work of foundations that are trying to move the needle on important issues. As such, foundations have stepped up efforts to sustain and create nonprofit media programs and other public interest media activities. Philanthropy is increasingly supporting public television, public radio, documentary filmmakers, local journalism organizations and a range of other nonprofit activities.
Popular debate shapes the public policies that will determine whether or not we make progress on society’s big and pressing issues. Certainly, foundation-funded basic research, direct service, and demonstration projects can be building blocks in making the case for policies that improve communities and advance the public interest. But ultimately, success in the policy arena depends to some degree on media and communications. And while it’s true that foundations already support a broad array of media activities, grantmakers could be—and should be—investing far more resources into strategies that inform and persuade.
Foundations do not need to have a formal media program nor large dollar investments to make grants that create lasting social change.
And many don’t even consider themselves media funders, even while they fund media. And yet worldwide, foundations have invested more than $11 billion in media since 2009. The field of media and philanthropy is growing rapidly, and media has become central to philanthropic strategies across all funding areas. Learn more about the fields of media and philanthropy.
Our members and supporters have access to valuable resources—programs, webinars, in-person events, research and more—that encourage the most effective use of media to achieve their philanthropic and programmatic goals, and to understand and maximize the impact of their work.
MIF members connect, collaborate, share resources, build knowledge, and ultimately make more strategic media investments. Learn more about membership.
Any foundation or donor with an interest in furthering their programmatic objectives with compelling and quality media should join MIF.
Our members represent a broad range of funders who care about a broad range of issues. Joining MIF gives you the opportunity to connect with those peers, collaborate, share resources, build knowledge, and ultimately make more strategic media investments. Our members include some of the largest foundations in media funding, local and regional foundations, individual donors and high-net worth individuals. Learn more about our members.
Yes. Impact is our middle name, so we know a thing or two about the power of storytelling through media.
We serve the field of media funding in three ways: