A host of new tools allows journalists and independent researchers to analyze important trends across media including airtime, advertising, digital privacy, and political spending. (h/t to Nancy Watzman of Lynx LLC for sharing the first four):
- Ad Observatory: Launched last week, this new tool from NYU Tandon School researchers helps journalists and researchers find trends in Facebook advertising in their states. A complimentary browser plug-in tool, Ad Observer gives the public a way to donate information safely on how they are being micro-targeted by these ads.
- Online Ads Portal from the Center for Responsive Politics is a searchable database to find political advertising on Facebook and Google, and so much more. (Open Secrets remains the go-to source to track “dark money” and other connections in lobbying, foreign agents, and other political spending databases.)
- Wesleyan Media Project tracks and analyzes political spending across media platforms, including TV, providing a high level view of how political money is flowing into ads.
- TV Kitchen is an open source tool to get data out of local TV streams–starting with captions, and in the future political ads, chyrons, talking points, and more. Participants can develop, share, and use free software tools to extract data from TV and share metadata safely with a wider community.
- The Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer allows anyone to analyze which topics and people are getting the most airtime on cable TV news, using the Internet Archive’s TV News Archive. The tool was created by the Computer Graphics Lab at Stanford University in collaboration with the John S. Knight Fellowship Program.
- Blacklight, a new tool from The Markup, allows anyone to enter the name of any website and see who is getting their data.