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JFunders24: The Annual Gathering of Journalism Funders

Media Impact Funders is tracking impact resources specific to COVID-19. We’ll keep adding to this list as more resources become available. Email us at if you know of a tool, guide or framework that should be added here.

API’s Metrics for News COVID-19 dashboard
The American Press Institute created a special dashboard in its Metrics for News analytics tool to help newsrooms assess the impact of their COVID-19 coverage to answer questions. The tool—a limited version of which has been made free for selected newsrooms—analyzes which stories about the coronavirus coverage are connecting most with community members, how coverage of COVID-19 intersects with other topics, and whether it is engaging certain audiences but not others. Learn more.

Co-viewing films in the time of Covid-19
Video 4 Change has shared a short guide for filmmakers and impact producers seeking to use online video sharing tools to create shared screening experiences that allow for audience interaction in real-time. Learn more.

Tools from The Lenfest Institute
The Lenfest Institute for Journalism has a round-up of funding opportunities and free and discounted tools for journalists—including communications, surveying, and data mapping tools. Learn more.

First Draft Toolbox
First Draft has released a dashboard that includes practical tools to help journalists monitor topics on the social web and fight coronavirus disinformation. Impact experts may be especially interested in seeing the trends on Google Trends and CrowdTangle. Learn more.

Hearken’s Emergency Engagement Services
News engagement platform Hearken has provided emergency engagement resources for newsrooms responding to public information needs during the crisis. Learn more.

Narrative Initiative’s Resources and Reading Lists
Narrative Initiative has a round-up of resources on narrative change strategy and COVID-19, including messaging guides and insights into framing and language. Learn more.

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Media Impact Funders

Media Impact Funders

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Media Impact Funders traces its roots back to the Council on Foundations, a longtime philanthropy-serving organization. Formerly Grantmakers in Film, Video & Television, MIF began on a volunteer basis in 1984 as an affinity group for funders interested in the power of film to highlight social issues. Reflecting changes in technology and media behavior over the past decade, it was renamed Grantmakers in Film & Electronic Media (GFEM) and formally incorporated in 2008 to advance the field of media arts and public interest media funding. It had 45 members and was headed by former MacArthur Foundation Program Officer Alyce Myatt. GFEM was renamed Media Impact Funders in 2012 and has since expanded its strategy to include a broad range media funding interests such as journalism, immersive technologies, media policy and more. Since that time, MIF has grown to more than 80 organizational members representing some of the largest foundations, and holds more than 40 in-person and online events yearly.