Our History

Media Matters
Grantmakers in Film + Electronic Media incorporates as a nonprofit.
Our First Website
Grantmakers in Film + Electronic Media announces the launch of the GFEM Media Database, the first website to help funders across all issue areas support and use media to broaden impact and reach new populations.
Meet Our Executive Director
Vince Stehle, with his expertise as a media consultant with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and program director at the Surdna Foundation, joins GFEM as executive director.
Learn more about Vince
A Rebrand
Renamed Media Impact Funders to reflect the organization’s new strategic vision that positions itself as a convener, a clearinghouse of knowledge and research, and a catalyst for collaboration among the many funders that support media and technology in the public interest.

Introducing Impact Assessment
Launched Assessing Impact of Media (AIM) initiative to study and track impact tools and frameworks.
Learn More About Impact
Mapping the Fields of Media and Philanthropy
Launched the Media Grants Data Map, a free, interactive mapping and research tool developed in collaboration with the Foundation Center that shows the full scope of philanthropically-funded media projects worldwide since 2009.
Explore the MapIntroducing the Media Impact Forum
Held the first annual Media Impact Forum, which brought together funders from across the country with media makers and analysts to share insights about the field's most influential projects and trends. We come together for a day of inspiring media presentations and dialogue, and the chance to network with peers to deepen learning and spark collaboration.
Learn More About the Media Impact Forum
Transformative Support
Receives its largest grant to date—$500,000—from the Atlantic Philanthropies to grow its organizational capacity.