Miners Club
4070 Willow Draw
Park City, UT 84098
This is a funder-only gathering.
Film funders! Are you heading to the Sundance Film Festival? We hope you’ll join us from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. MT on Friday, Jan. 19, for our annual gathering of documentary film funders at the Miners Club, 4070 Willow Draw Park City, UT 84098.
This gathering offers an important connection point for funders who want to discuss their work and their priorities, and share questions and ideas with one another. This year, we will make space to surface questions and concerns about the future of documentary film distribution. And we’re looking forward to hearing about what’s new in the field and anything else that’s been on your mind.
Register now and stay tuned for details about our speaker lineup. We’re excited to connect with you!
If you know of a funding peer who would be interested in attending this gathering, please share this invitation with them.
Photographs and/or video will be taken at this event. By attending this event, you consent to your image/likeness, voice, and/or name being used in photographs and/or film, and any reproductions or adaptations thereafter, by Media Impact Funders to use in any and all print and digital media in perpetuity. If you do not wish to be photographed and/or filmed, please contact Nina Sachdev, Director of Communications, at nina@mediafunders.org.