When: Friday, Oct. 5 | 10 a.m.-noon
Where: New York, NY | Philanthropy New York | 1500 Broadway, 7th Floor, NYC 10036
Register today. (Note: This is a free, funders-only event. Please register by Oct. 4.)
#MeToo has been used on social media across the world to demonstrate the prevalence of sexual assault and give voice to survivors. Since its first appearance on Twitter in October 2017, the hashtag has functioned as a rallying cry in a movement that has not only resulted in terminations, resignations, recriminations and apologies at the highest levels of organizations of every sort, but also the beginnings of a national reckoning over power dynamics. But, as the conversation turns to policy formulation, the longer-term effect of #MeToo is still being determined. Will policy amplify and consider the voices of those who have been asking, “us too?”—those who have been marginalized on the basis of race, class, sexuality, religion and ethnicity? What can proponents of the hashtag do to ensure that #MeToo continues to connect celebrity activism and grassroots activism, that it extends its promise of a better, brighter, and more equitable future to all?
Please join Media Impact Funders, Philanthropy New York and Funders for Gender Equity as we consider these questions and examine the role of philanthropy in a movement that—in the opinions of several experts—is proving to be a defining moment in our history. The program will begin with a screening of the documentary The Rape of Recy Taylor, a New York Times Critics’ Pick, which details the efforts of the brave women who rallied for justice for survivors of sexual violence and, thereby, initiated the Civil Rights Movement. Using this riveting history as inspiration, a panel featuring Tarana Burke will lead us in a discussion about the social change that could be achieved through the #MeToo movement and how philanthropy can support and help shape such change.
Watch the trailer:
- Changing narratives and instigating vital conversations around gender justice, sexual violence, and other social justice issues
- Creating policy that both responds to demands for gender justice and intentionally and explicitly integrates diversity, inclusion, and equity
- Advancing structural change and promoting radical community healing through sustained community and coalition building across issue areas and across social identities
- Tarana Burke, Senior Director, Girls for Gender Equity; Founder of Me Too Movement; Time Person of the Year 2017
- Bridgit Antoinette Evans, Executive Director, The Pop Culture Collaborative
- Brook Kelly-Green, Program Officer, Gender, Racial and Ethnic Justice, Ford Foundation
- Ana L. Oliveira (Moderator), President and CEO, The New York Women’s Foundation
Register today. Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with your name, title, organizational affiliation, business mailing address, and phone number. Please indicate by which organizer you were invited.