"MIF provided an invaluable learning space for me, particularly early on when I was new to philanthropy and eager to learn more about the most effective ways to catalyze philanthropic investments in journalism for impact. MIF gatherings were where I asked those initial exploratory questions that led to the shift in our strategy and the eventual development of the Journalism program."

Kayce Ataiyero, Chief External Affairs Officer, Joyce Foundation
How We Serve the Network
  • Convenings and Events

    We host more than 15 in-person and online journalism-focused events each year.

    Our Events
    In-person convenings

    We host an annual gathering for our journalism network members, selecting locations and topics according to the network’s needs.

    Additional in-person convenings of this network take place at high-profile events where funders are scheduled to gather.

    Monthly calls

    Beginning in November 2016, MIF has organized near-monthly calls to help funders find common points of entry to make their work effective and efficient through strategic partnerships. Calls typically include senior level program officers that represent a high caliber of support for journalism as well as a variety of diverse funding strategies. We often invite guests with subject-matter expertise who can speak to timely issues and research in the journalism field, such as misinformation, news deserts, or First Amendment threats. Our goal is to knit the community of funders closer together, to show the affinities between their work, and to address areas that are currently being overlooked. Want to join the calls? Email roshni@mediafunders.org.

  • Research

    In the highly diverse and fast-paced media field, in-depth research projects are an essential part of our strategy to create nuanced context regarding the trends and challenges to journalism and media grantmaking.

    Our Reports

    Our reports are designed to help funders navigate opportunities, uphold best practices, and maximize their impact. Recent reports have included case studies on innovative funding practices, and a practical handbook for foundations seeking to begin or refine journalism funding.

    We also leverage our Media Grants Data Map for trends to produce reports that can inform and foster greater collaboration.



  • Field-Building

    We want to expand and strengthen the field of journalism funding.

    We know that funders rely on the expertise of other funders. We can help make connections to peers who are eager to share best practices and lessons learned.

    By taking a broad view across the field of media funding to include many different types of platforms, issues and philanthropic goals, we are uniquely able to bring funders together around specific topics, connect funders and media makers who might not otherwise cross paths, and in the process, expand the field of journalism funding.

    For example, in 2017, we worked with the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to host a series of webinars on how funders are fighting misinformation along the three points of the information system: production, distribution and consumption. The webinar series represents some of our most popular and informative programming to date.

    In October 2016, we were among a key group of stakeholders who worked with the American Press Institute to create best practices for funders of nonprofit news. The guidelines explore how to ensure editorial independence and maintain the firewall between publishers and funders.

    External Resources

    Media Impact Funders is grateful to work within a thriving field of journalism research and practice. These organizations provide excellent resources, whether you’re trying to get the lay of the land or dig deeper into specific topics:

Upcoming Journalism Funding Events

As an event-driven organization, we’re constantly bringing changemakers together, whether in-person or online, to make strategic connections with like-minded professionals. Browse through our upcoming events related to this network.

Learn More

Film funders: Join your colleagues for a gathering in Park City, UT

SOLDOUT: To be added to the waitlist, email Shannon Thomas, Manager of Member Engagement, at shannon@mediafunders.org. Are you heading to Park City, Utah, for the Sundance Film Festival? For years, MIF has been gathering film funders before the official start of the film festival as a way to connect, share and learn from one another. […]

JFunder Network Call – February

JFunder Network Calls are an opportunity to share what your organization is doing, learn about collaborative efforts from your peers, and stay connected to what’s happening in the field. If you’d like to present an update on your work or want to bounce an idea off your colleagues, let us know. Email MIF Manager of […]

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Become a Member

Join our growing network of funders who care about effective use of media.
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Impact Assessment

MIF has provided resources for funders and media producers seeking to build impact strategies and evaluate the outcomes of media projects.
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The Field of Media Funding

Funders, media makers and nonprofit organizations are working together to unleash the power of media to move the needle on important social issues.
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