A new study conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago in partnership with Media Impact Funders and The Lenfest Institute for Journalism that examines the role of philanthropy in American journalism found strong growth in support for nonprofit news over the past five years, an increase in funding to for-profit newsrooms, and a growing focus on communities of color. Yet even as philanthropic funding for journalism is set to keep expanding, questions remain about how newsrooms can address potential conflicts of interest to protect editorial independence and public trust.
A total of 129 funders and 431 news organizations responded to the survey. The study received additional funding from the MacArthur Foundation and Arnold Ventures, and builds on the last comprehensive survey of funders and newsrooms in 2015 by the American Press Institute (API).
Read the toplines from the funder survey.
Read the toplines from the nonprofit survey.
Read the toplines from the for-profit survey.
Read the ReportReports from the Field
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