Today we unveil our newly redesigned website to greatly improve the online experience of our users. In recent years, we have grown in our role as a knowledge network to meet the changing needs of members and the larger funding and media communities. In response to a rapidly changing media funding field and to better serve both our current and future members, we needed to rethink some crucial questions about our organization—who we are, who we serve, and in what ways are we serving them.
Whether you have a robust media grantmaking portfolio or if you’re new to the field of media funding, it’s important that you have a clear pathway to the content and information you need.
To that end, we’re pleased to announce the launch of our new website, which is a treasure trove of rich and informative content to help you do your work, regardless of what your media grantmaking portfolio looks like—or if you even have one at all. The great thing about “media” is that it encompasses a vast array of activities. While not all funders expressly consider themselves media funders, more are becoming aware that—regardless of their programmatic goals—supporting media not only helps them achieve their stated objectives, but also serves as a powerful tool for social change.
And if you are just now waking up to the need to use media to further your philanthropic goals, well, then think of our new website as your morning coffee. It’s a great way to start the day, and it’s always there if you ever need more.
Some highlights on what you can find:
A more complete picture of the media funding field.
Get a feel for the field. Learn more about the importance of media funding and its role in preserving civil society, the scope of media funding, the history of the field and examples of foundations and their myriad initiatives to support effective media. Learn more.
A better understanding of impact assessment.
We’ve completely overhauled our impact offerings. If you’re new to the media impact conversation, this new section includes a brief history of MIF’s work in the world of media impact assessment as well as some key resources for those new to the media impact field. The centerpiece of our new impact resources is our brand new, searchable, interactive database of impact assessment tools for media projects. This is a continuously updated collection of impact analysis platforms and apps, frameworks, toolkits and case studies of high impact media projects. You can sort through the collection by focusing on a specific media type (e.g. “audio/radio” or “film/video”) and/or by the type of resource (e.g. “toolkit” or “case studies.”). Learn more.
Details about two vibrant networks we are cultivating: Journalism Funders and Science Communication Funders.
Through convenings, original research reports and field-building activities, we aim to strengthen connections among journalism funders and offer funders opportunities to discuss their current work among peers. Learn more.
The goal of the science communications funders network is to promote collaboration between science media funders, and to increase private support for science communications and research, at a critical moment in time for our nation and the planet. Learn more.
A (way) more user-friendly events calendar.
Our programs are thoughtfully curated, topic-focused and, most of all, reflect the varied interests of our vibrant network. We host events all over the country and throughout the year, so there’s always a chance to network with your peers. With a robust selection of webinars, we’ll bring the discussion to you even if you can’t leave your desk (lunch not included). Learn more.
The benefits of membership.
Joining the MIF network connects you to hundreds of engaged, like-minded funders and organizations working together to use media to promote the common good. As a members, you will be supported by valuable resources—programs, webinars, in-person events, research and more—that encourage the most effective use of media to achieve your philanthropic and programmatic goals, and to understand and maximize the impact of your media work. Learn more.
Questions about the site? Let us know.